Published Date: January 13th 2013
My rating: 5 out of 5
Another book I championed last year was Elemental: The First. I was eagerly awaiting the sequel and surprised when Alexandra May decided to publish another book first. I can't wait for the sequel but when this came up at Net Galley I was intrigued.
And I read it in about 4 hours straight. It comes right into the story, at a crunch time and then just as you think you know how it's going to pan out, everything changes! The ending is one of the saddest I've read in a long time, and I'm very glad this is only number 1 of the Lost dacomé files because I'm dying to find out what happens next.
So, without giving away too many spoiler, Halika Dacome is threatened with a union with the opposing war lord. But they have other plans. Just as an agreement is met, lots of important people are murdered in front of her eyes and her father is spared on the assumption that all the Elementals are going to die anyway. But Halika doesn't believe that, she thinks they stand a chance of winning the war against the enemy. When her childhood friends arrive they bring war ships that enable her to stand a fighting chance. She also begins her bittersweet romance with Nerido Xipile (who I thought she hated from the first book Elemental: The First).
Anyway just as everything seems to be going to plan, it all falls apart. And not in a good way. There's an interesting chapter right at the end called Double Cross and that's exactly what happens. Except its not from all the people you expect, well it is and it isn't. You'll find out if you read it.
The world building and royal/political systems, the way of life, and the sheer characterisations in this book are mesmerising. I felt every high of happiness, and every low when it all went wrong. I even had a wobbly chin at the end when the Scribe finishes the story.
Absolutely this is a book to read. It doesn't matter if you enjoy Sci-fi or not, the story is of the characters and not of the world they live in.
5 out of 5 - I loved it!
-CB x